Call for Papers
Papers presenting original research on all
aspects of theoretical computer science are
sought. Typical but not exclusive topics of
interest are:
Track A:
- Algorithmic aspects of parallel and distributed computing
- Algorithms and data structures
- Algorithms and models for large networks
- Algorithms for computationally hard problems
- Automata theory and formal languages
- Bioinformatics
- Computational complexity
- Combinatorics and structures in Computer Science
- Cryptography
- Machine learning
- Molecular computing, neural and evolutionary algorithms
- Proof complexity
- Quantum computing
Track B:
- Algebraic and categorical models
- Applications of automata in logic
- Concurrency, mobility and distributed systems
- Databases, semi-structured data and finite model theory
- Logics and their applications
- Principles of programming languages
- Program logics, formal methods and model checking
- Security analysis and verification
- Semantics of programming languages
- Specification, refinement and verification
- Type systems and typed calculi
Submissions: Authors are invited to
submit a paper of no more than 12 pages in
presenting original research on the theory of
computer science.
Submissions should indicate which track the paper is submitted to.
No simultaneous submission to other conferences
with published proceedings is allowed. Accepted
papers will be published in the
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
by Springer.
Contact address:
For further information see:
or contact:
Important Dates:
Workshop proposals: November 30, 2003
Submissions: February 8, 2004
Notification: March 31, 2004
Final version: April 27, 2004