Useful Info

Invitation letter for Visa

If you need a formal letter of invitation to RuFiDiM IV, please contact Please include your academic title and affiliation, and let us know if you need any extra information on the invitation. Please also let us know whether a physical copy of the letter is required or if a soft copy suffices.

Useful information

Travel info

Local transportation

Bus number 1 goes regularly from Turku Airport (bus stop 1586) to marketplace (T1 – Kauppatori). From there you can pick one of several buses traveling to Bus stop 115 just in front of the university. Alternatively you can walk 1.3km from the marketplace to the university.

There is 1.4km walk from the Turku bus station to the university. Alternatively you can catch a bus (bus stop 41).

From Turku main railway station there is a 1km walk to the marketplace. From Kupittaa railway station, there is a 800m walk to the university.

The website for Turku bus timetables

Long distance transportation

From Helsinki-Vantaa Airport you can get to Turku by bus or train. Expressbus goes about once every half an hour ( From Helsinki-Vantaa Airport To Turku). You can hop off the bus at Turku cathedral (Tuomiokirkko), which is closer to the university.
Train tickets can be bought from . There are trains from airport to Pasila and from there to Turku main railway station. You can also stop at Kupittaa railway station, which is closer to the university but further away from the city center.

Accommodation info

We have made reservations in two facilities; Boat Hostel Borea and Hotel Centro.

Boat Hostel Borea

1 person cabin:
44,30€ per night

2 person cabin:
33,40€ per night per person

Prices include breakfast, morning sauna and bedsheets. You can reserve a cabin by contacting them before the first of May and giving them code RuFiDiM.
Phone: +358 40 843 6611

Hotel Centro

1 person room:
87€ per night

2 person room:
99€ per night

Reservation code RuFiDiM


Some important locations are marked on the map below:

The map can also be viewed here on the Google Maps page for a more dynamic viewing experience.

City Excursion

On Thursday the 18th we will have a city excursion in the form of two guided tours followed by the Symposium Dinner:

15:00 Luostarinmäki Handicrafts Museum

17:00 Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova Museum of History and Contemporary Art

19:00 Symposium Dinner at M Kitchen & Café, located next to Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova
