An International Conference Series under the auspices of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS)
The series of International Conferences Developments in Language Theory provides a forum for presenting current developments in formal languages and automata. Its scope is very general and includes, among others, the following topics and areas: combinatorial and algebraic properties of words and languages; grammars, acceptors and transducers for strings, trees, graphs, arrays; algebraic theories for automata and languages; codes; efficient text algorithms; symbolic dynamics; decision problems; relationships to complexity theory and logic; picture description and analysis; polyominoes and bidimensional patterns; cryptography; concurrency; cellular automata; bio-inspired computing; quantum computing.
Next DLT
DLT 2025 in Seoul, South Korea (August 19-22, 2025).
The first Developments in Language Theory (DLT) conference was organized by G. Rozenberg and A. Salomaa in
- Turku, Finland in 1993.
Since 1993, the DLT conferences were held in every odd year:
- Magdeburg, Germany (1995),
- Thessaloniki, Greece (1997),
- Aachen, Germany (1999) and
- Vienna, Austria (2001).
Since 2001, a DLT conference usually takes place in Europe every other year and outside Europe every other year. The locations of DLT conferences since 2002 were:
- Kyoto, Japan (2002),
- Szeged, Hungary (2003),
- Auckland, New Zealand (2004),
- Palermo, Italy (2005),
- Santa Barbara, California, USA (2006),
- Turku, Finland (2007),
- Kyoto, Japan (2008),
- Stuttgart, Germany (2009),
- London, Ontario, Canada (2010),
- Milano, Italy (2011),
- Taipei, Taiwan (2012),
- Marne-la-Vallée, France (2013),
- Ekaterinburg, Russia (2014),
- Liverpool, UK (2015),
- Montreal, Canada (2016),
- Liege, Belgium (2017),
- Tokyo, Japan (2018),
- Warsaw, Poland (2019),
- Tampa, Florida, USA (2020, cancelled),
- Porto, Portugal (2021),
- Tampa, Florida, USA (2022),
- Umeå, Sweden (2023),
- Göttingen, Germany (2024).
Steering Committee
- Marie-Pierre Béal (Marne-la-Vallée, France)
- Volker Diekert (Stuttgart, Germany)
- Yo-Sub Han (Seoul, Republic of Korea)
- Nataša Jonoska (Tampa, USA)
- Martin Kutrib (Giessen, Germany)
- Giovanni Pighizzini (Milano, Italy), chair
- Michel Rigo (Liège, Belgium)
- Kai Salomaa (Kingston, Canada)
- Shinnosuke Seki (Tokyo, Japan)
- Mikhail Volkov (Ekaterinburg, Russia)
Honorary members:
- Juhani Karhumäki (Turku, Finland)
- Grzegorz Rozenberg (Leiden, Netherlands)
- Arto Salomaa (Turku, Finland)
Past Proceedings
- Developments in Language Theory. At the Crossroads of Mathematics, Computer Science and Biology (edited by G. Rozenberg and A. Salomaa) (1994) (World Scientific)
- Developments in Language Theory II. At the Crossroads of Mathematics, Computer Science and Biology (edited by J. Dassow, G. Rozenberg and A. Salomaa) (1996) (World Scientific)
- Proceedings of the Third International Conference. Developments in Language Theory (edited by S. Bozapalidis) (1997) (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
- Developments in Language Theory. Foundations, Applications and Perspectives (edited by G. Rozenberg and W. Thomas) (2000) (World Scientific)
- Developments in Language Theory, 5th International Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2295 (edited by W. Kuich, G. Rozenberg and A. Salomaa) (2002) (Springer-Verlag)
- Developments in Language Theory, 6th International Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2450 (edited by M. Ito and M. Toyama) (2003) (Springer-Verlag)
- Proc. Developments in Language Theory, 7th International Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2710 (edited by Z. Esik, Z. Fulop) (2003) (Springer-Verlag)
- Developments in Language Theory, 8th International Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3340 (edited by C. Calude, E. Calude, M. Dinneen) (2004) (Springer)
- Developments in Language Theory, 9th International Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3572 (edited by C. De Felice, A. Restivo) (2005) (Springer)
- Developments in Language Theory, 10th International Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4036 (edited by O. H. Ibarra and Z. Dang) (2006) (Springer)
- Developments in Language Theory, 11th International Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4588 (edited by T. Harju, J. Karhumäki, A. Lepistö) (2007) (Springer)
- Developments in Language Theory, 12th International Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5257 (edited by M. Ito and M. Toyama) (2008) (Springer)
- Developments in Language Theory, 13th International Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5583 (edited by V. Diekert and D. Nowotka) (2009) (Springer)
- Developments in Language Theory, 14th International Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6224 (edited by Y. Gao, H. Lu, S. Seki, S. Yu) (2010) (Springer)
- Developments in Language Theory, 15th International Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6795 (edited by G. Mauri and A. Leporati) (2011) (Springer)
- Developments in Language Theory, 16th International Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7410 (edited by H.-C. Yen and O. H. Ibarra) (2012) (Springer)
- Developments in Language Theory, 17th International Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7907 (edited by M.-P. Beal and O. Carton) (2013) (Springer)
- Developments in Language Theory, 18th International Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8633 (edited by A. M. Shur and M. V. Volkov) (2014) (Springer)
- Developments in Language Theory, 19th International Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9168 (edited by I. Potapov) (2015) (Springer)
- Developments in Language Theory, 20th International Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9840 (edited by S. Brlek and C. Reutenauer) (2016) (Springer)
- Developments in Language Theory, 21st International Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10396 (edited by E. Charlier, J. Leroy, M. Rigo) (2017) (Springer)
- Developments in Language Theory, 22nd International Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11088 (edited by M. Hoshi, S. Seki) (2018) (Springer)
- Developments in Language Theory, 23rd International Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11647 (edited by P. Hofman, M. Skrzypczak) (2019) (Springer)
- Developments in Language Theory, 24th International Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12086 (edited by N. Jonoska, D. Savchuk) (2020) (Springer)
- Developments in Language Theory, 25th International Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12811 (edited by N. Moreira, R. Reis) (2021) (Springer)
- Developments in Language Theory, 26th International Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13257 (edited by V. Diekert, M. Volkov) (2022) (Springer)
- Developments in Language Theory, 27th International Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13911 (edited by F. Drewes, M. Volkov) (2023) (Springer)
- Developments in Language Theory, 28th International Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14791 (edited by J. D. Day, F. Manea) (2024) (Springer)
Special Issues of DLT
- IJFCS Volume: 16, Issue: 4 (August 2005), Special Issue: Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2004)
- IJFCS Volume: 17, Issue: 3 (June 2006), Special Issue: Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2005)
- Theoretical Computer Science Volume: 376, Numbers: 1-2 (May 2007), Special issue: Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2006)
- IJFCS Volume: 19, Issue: 3 (June 2008), Special Issue: Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2007)
- IJFCS Volume: 21, Issue: 4 (August 2010), Special Issue: Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2008)
- IJFCS Volume: 22, Issue: 2 (February 2011), Special Issue: Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2009)
- IJFCS Volume: 22, Issue: 7 (November 2011), Special Issue: Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2010)
- IJFCS Volume: 23, Issue: 5 (August 2012), Special Issue: Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2011)
- IJFCS Volume: 24, Issue: 7 (November 2013), Special Issue: Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2012)
- IJFCS Volume: 25, Issue: 8 (December 2014), Special Issue: Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2013)
- IJFCS Volume: 27, Issue: 2 (February 2016), Special Issue: Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2014)
- IJFCS Volume: 29, Issue: 2 (February 2018), Special Issue: Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2015)
- IJFCS Volume: 29, Issue: 5 (August 2018), Special Issue: Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2016)
- IJFCS Volume: 30, Issue: 1 (January 2019), Special Issue: Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2017)
- IJFCS Volume: 31, Issue: 6 (September 2020), Special Issue: Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2018)
- Fundamenta Informaticae Volume: 180, Issue: 4 (2021), Special Issue: Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2019)
- IJFCS Volume: 32, Issue: 6 (September 2021), Special Issue: Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2020)
- IJFCS Volume: 34, Issue: 2-3 (February 2023), Special Issue: Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2021)
- Theory of Computing Systems, Special Issue: Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2022)
DLT Award
A special DLT award was given to professors Arto Salomaa and Grzegorz Rozenberg during the 20th DLT symposium in Montreal in 2016. The award was given due to their distinguished contributions to automata theory and founding the DLT conference. The award consisted of a DLT Award diploma and an artistic glass work of an owl.

Salomaa Prize
As a continuation of the DLT Award, an annual prize, named as Salomaa Prize, was created in 2018. The first prize was awarded in the DLT symposium in Tokyo in 2018. The prize consists of a diploma and 2000 euros prize funded by the University of Turku, the home university of Arto Salomaa. The selection of the winner is decided by an international prize committee which is appointed by the steering committee of DLT. There is an open call for nominations.
Prize Winners
- 2024: Mikołaj Bojańczyk, University of Warsaw, Poland
- 2023: Moshe Y. Vardi, Rice University, Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
- 2022: Juhani Karhumäki, University of Turku, Finland
- 2021: suspended because of the pandemic
- 2020 (given in DLT 2021): Joël Ouaknine, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Germany / University of Oxford, United Kingdom, James Worrell, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
- 2019: Artur Jeż, University of Wrocław, Poland
- 2018: Jean-Éric Pin, University Paris-Diderot, Paris, France