The second international Salomaa Prize was given to Dr. Artur Jeż from Wrocław. The prize ceremonies took place in Warsaw, in the annual DLT (Developments in Language Theory) conference.
Artur Jeż received the Salomaa prize 2019 for his impressive series of single author papers at STACS 2012, ICALP 2012, STACS 2013, ICALP 2014, and ICALP 2017. In these papers he developed the recompression technique that changed the perspective on word equations drastically, led to various unexpected results and had significant impact in a wide spectrum of areas from unification to group theory.
The Prize winner was selected by Salomaa Prize committee consisting of Mikhail Volkov (chair), Juhani Karhumäki and Dominique Perrin. The award consists of a diploma and 2000 euros prize money. The award was funded by the University of Turku, Finland, the home university of Arto Salomaa.